Price adjustments Veneer Express Layons

  • #Furnier Express

Unfortunately, the general situation in the log and raw material market is not easing in the new year 2022. This circumstance forces us to make the first price adjustment since the introduction of the Veneer Express Layons almost 4 years ago.

The massively increasing costs of round wood, energy and transport, as well as the cutting costs in the veneer plant for the production of the veneers, force us to this step.

Therefore, from 15.03.2022 we will increase the prices for veneer Express Layons by 8%. Only for the oak Rustic Layons in the format 2440 x 1220 mm (Rustic Natur, Rustic Antik, Rustic Stone, Rustic Mocca) we can keep the current price.

Further price adjustments are to be expected in the course of the year.

Your Roser Team
