Veneer Hemlock western

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Wood speciesHemlock western
Bot. NameTsuga heterophylla
Tradename EnWestern Hemlock, Pacific coast Hemlock
Type Coniferous tree
Color Light Brown
Thickness 0.6 / 0.9 mm
Wood Structure Quarter Cut, Crown Cut
Country of harvestNorth America
Usages Interior, Furniture, Door
Certification No Certification possible

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Detailed Description

Western Hemlock reaches a height of up to 60 m and a diameter of up to 250 cm. The tree rarely grows in pure stands, usually associated with other conifers. The shaft is knotless up to half the height of the trunk. The bark is reddish-brown and in older trunks furrowed. Because of its thin bark, the tree is highly prone to fire.

Tradenames and other names

Bot. Name: Tsuga heterophylla

Tradename De: Western Hemlock, Mertens Hemlocktanne

Tradename En: Western Hemlock, Pacific coast Hemlock


Raw density: 450 - 500 Kg/m3


Western Hemlock grows in the coastal and island regions of South Alaska south to California and east across the mountains from British Columbia to the Rocky Mountains.

Characteristic and wood color

Sapwood and kernel hardly different, without heart colouring. The sapwood is narrow, almost white to yellowish-white, the heartwood is yellowish brown to dark yellowish brown, with a slight reddish colouring, the late wood only slightly different. The wood of Western Hemlock is more valuable than that of the other Hemlock species, and slightly less good than Douglas fir, but is used for the same purposes. Western Hemlock is fine-grained, fairly light, soft, tough and shrinks little.