Veneer Hickory

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Wood speciesHickory
Bot. NameCarya spp.
Tradename EnHickory, Mockernut
Type Deciduous tree
Color Light Brown
Thickness 0.6 / 0.9 mm
Wood Structure Quarter Cut, Crown Cut
Country of harvestNorth America
Usages Interior, Furniture, Door
Certification available as FSC-CW

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Detailed Description

A tree growing in the stand, rarely over 30 m high and up to about 100 cm diameter, shaft up to about 10 m knotless. Bark never scaly, light grey to whitish in colour.

Tradenames and other names

Bot. Name: Carya spp.

Tradename De: Hickory

Tradename En: Hickory, Mockernut


Raw density: 750 - 800 Kg/m3


Hickory is native to the eastern part of the USA, from Ontario to Florida (but not South Florida) and in the west to Missouri, eastern Kansas and Texas.

Characteristic and wood color

Split pin and core sharply separated from each other. The sapwood is wide, up to 8 cm, and almost white. Heartwood reddish brown to dark brown, reminiscent of walnut. Very narrow annual rings: on 2.5 cm about 18 to 20 rings. Pores coarse, in early wood arranged to narrow rings, in late wood single. The wood is usually fine-grained and very shrinking, heavy to very heavy, hard, very elastic and tough. Hardness and weight depend mainly on the width of the annual rings.