Veneer Hornbeam Stone Carbon

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Wood speciesHornbeam Stone Carbon
Bot. NameCarpinus betulus
Tradename EnStone Carbone Hornbeam
Type Deciduous tree
Color Grey
Thickness 0.6 mm
Wood Structure Quarter Cut, Crown Cut
Country of harvestEurope
Usages Interior, Furniture, Door
Certification No Certification possible
NoteEach trunk is different and has its own color and pattern.
The veneer must not be sanded after being pressed onto the carrier, otherwise the carbon effect will disappear.

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Detailed Description

The tree reaches heights of up to about 25 m with diameters of up to 100 cm at the most, but mostly smaller. The shaft is knot-free up to 10 m, has a consistently splayed back and grows irregularly. The bark is olive green on one-year-old twigs, brown-red on 2 to 3-year-old twigs, and grey and smooth from about the sixth year.

Contrary to what its German names suggest, it is not closely related to the (only beech species represented in Central Europe) copper beech (Fagus sylvatica). Rather, it belongs to the genus Fagus within the beech family (Fagaceae). Only hornbeam and copper beech belong to the same order (beech-like (Fagales)).

Tradenames and other names

Bot. Name: Carpinus betulus

Tradename De: Stone Carbon Hainbuche, Stone Carbon Weissbuche, Stone Carbon Hornbaum

Tradename En: Stone Carbone Hornbeam


Raw density: 690 - 850 Kg/m3


The hornbeam is native to Southern and Central Europe, East Asia, the Caucasus and North America.

Characteristic and wood color

Sapwood and heartwood are not different. The wood is grey-white to yellowish-white, after drying and prolonged storage usually tinted light grey. The annual rings are wavy and can be recognized as fine horizontal stripes.