Veneer Express Layons Swiss Pine

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Wood speciesSwiss Pine
Bot. NamePinus cembra
Tradename EnSwiss Pine, White Pine
Type Coniferous tree
Color Beige, Yellow
Thickness 1.4 mm
Wood Structure Crown Cut, Quarter Cut
TreatmentVeneer Express Layons
Country of harvestEurope
Usages Interior, Furniture, Door
Certification No Certification possible
NoteFor our Veneer Express Layons we have joined the veneer sheets into large-sized Veneer Layons and laminated on the back with a fleece. The surface is pretreated, either sanded or brushed.

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Detailed Description

A tree up to 20 m high with diameters up to 40 cm, rarely well grown. The bark is smooth and grey-green when young, later grey-brown and somewhat warty, thick, grey-brown and cracked when old. The fruits, so-called cirrus nuts, are 12 mm long, heavy and contain starch and a fatty oil.

Tradenames and other names

Bot. Name: Pinus cembra

Tradename De: Zirbelkiefer, Zirbe, Sibirische Zeder

Tradename En: Swiss Pine, White Pine


Raw density: 440 - 510 Kg/m3


The Swiss stone pine grows throughout Central Europe, especially in France, Switzerland, Bavaria and Austria. At altitudes up to 2000 m as well as in Russia, Siberia, the Carpathians and Manchuria.

Characteristic and wood color

Sapwood and heartwood are sharply separated. The sapwood is yellowish-white with a silky sheen, while the heartwood is light reddish when freshly cut, but quickly darkens to the colour of common pine under the influence of light. Early and late wood are hardly distinguishable. Characteristic for Swiss stone pine are the very numerous firmly grown together red to reddish brown branches, which cut smoothly and do not crack. When this structure is exploited, the wood is very decorative, especially for interior fittings. The wood has a persistent, pleasant smell. It is very resinous.