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Veneer Fir European Silver
BackDetailed Description
The tree reaches a height of about 40 m, in particularly favourable locations also up to 65 m and a diameter of about 150 cm. The shaft is well formed throughout and knot-free up to over 20 m. The bark is smooth, white-grey in colour, with small, bulging swellings.
Tradenames and other names
Bot. Name: Abies alba
Tradename De: Weisstanne, Silbertanne, Tanne
Tradename En: Silver Fir, European Silver Fir, White Fir
Raw density: 400 - 450 Kg/m3
The fir is widespread in the low mountain ranges of Europe, especially in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.
Characteristic and wood color
Sapwood and heartwood are not sharply separated. A special heartwood colouring is missing. The wood is whitish, often with a yellowish or reddish shimmer. It resembles spruce, but is paler in colour. The structure is straight throughout, the texture moderately fine and even.