Veneer Limba

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Wood speciesLimba
Bot. NameTerminalia superba
Tradename EnLimba, White Afara, Corina
Type Deciduous tree
Color Beige, Yellow
Thickness 0.6 / 0.9 / 1.5 mm
Wood Structure Quarter Cut, Crown Cut
Country of harvestAfrica
Usages Interior, Furniture, Door
Certification No Certification possible

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Detailed Description

A magnificent tree, up to 45 m high and 150 cm trunk diameter, up to over 30 m knotless. Bark at first light grey, later with bark, yellow inside, pale yellow at first sight. The wood varies in colour and structure depending on where it grows, mild to medium-hard, light to medium-heavy. The colour is yellowish, matt brownish, with older trunks often dark or black-brown, partly also striped (bafiolé), shiny, evenly needle cracked.

Tradenames and other names

Bot. Name: Terminalia superba

Tradename De: Limba

Tradename En: Limba, White Afara, Corina


Raw density: 500 - 600 Kg/m3


Limba occurs in the West African rainforest on the Guinea coast between Sierra Leone and Congo.

Characteristic and wood color

The sapwood is not clearly separated from heartwood. The growth zones are clearly visible through pale olive tinted late wood. Twist growth and fibre deviations occur frequently. Pores mainly coarse and scattered. The yellowish wood is similar in colour to European oak, the darker wood to walnut.

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