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Veneer Alder
BackDetailed Description
The tree reaches heights of 20 m and more, with the shaft being knotless up to about 15 m. Diameters go up to 100 cm, but usually smaller and only up to about 50 cm. The bark on young trees is greenish, later turning dark brown and becoming rather cracked.
Tradenames and other names
Bot. Name: Alnus glutinosa
Tradename De: Schwarzerle, Roterle, Gemeine Erle
Tradename En: Black Alder, Common Alder
Raw density: 450 - 590 Kg/m3
The home of the alder extends over the whole of Europe as far as Siberia, the Near East and Northwest Africa.
Characteristic and wood color
Sapwood and heartwood are not different. The wood is reddish-white to yellowish-red, but darkens rapidly under the influence of air and light. Annual rings and growth zones are only faintly visible. The structure is usually straight grained, twisted growth only rarely, the texture is coarse and even.